
[轉帖] [BOMOD] Roll The Dice V1.2


[BOMOD] Roll The Dice V1.2

V1.2 : 50 Rolls
The 50 Rolls are :
1: Robot - Gives a minigun and makes your character look like a robot! - A
2: Fatass - Slow movement and makes your chest a carepacakge - D
3: Valkary - Gives you unlimited valkarys - A
4: Speed - Increased movement speed - A
5: Nosway - Gives you a sniperrifle with nosway - A
6: Allperks - Gives you all perks - A
7: Golden Crossbow - Gives you a gold crossbow - A
8: Grimreaper - Gives you a grimreaper - A
9: Infection - Gives you unlimited nova gas - A
10: Your a one hit kill - 1 HP - D
11: Freeze - Make you freeze when walking - D
12: Your on fire - Fire on your model and 60HP - D
13: Flashing - You are flashing (hiding) A
14: Invisible for 15 sec - A
15: Semi-automatic M16 - A
16: Godmode for 15 Seconds - A
17: Triple HP - 300 HP - A
18: No perks - D
19: Cartoon - Map looks like in cartoons - D
20: Invisible every 10 seconds - A
21: Double health and roll again - A
22: Thunder - Thunder on your screen - D
23: Inception - Your angles are set to 90,90,90, (Cookie for the person that can kill with that) - D
24: Jump Height - Increased jump height - A
25: Speed and Roll again - A
26: Rotate - You are rotating - D
27: Ballistic Knife - Gives you a ballistic knife - D
28: RCXD - Gives you RCXD - A
29: Hell dogs - Gives you hell dogs that are on fire - A
30: JetPack - Gives you a jetpack wich can be used with usebutton + fuelbar - A
31: JustinBieber - Spawns the chat with that you are a justinbieber fan - D
32: Invisible Weapon - D
33: Golden Spas - A
34: What now? - Gives you a strela3 - D
35: RocketPistol - A pistol that shoots rpg missiles - A
36: Hardcore - No Hud and 50 health - D
37: Zombie - Defaultweapon hands - D
38: They can see you - your a moving dot on the radar and a redmodel spawned on your head - D
39: Roll Twice - A
40: WTF?! - Weird weapon given - D
41: Big Compass - D
42: Look trough walls - Kinda wallhack - A
43: Bankshot - Unlimited Tomahawks - A
44: Orgasm - Your screaming so loud all the time because you are having a wank D
45: Commando - Long range knifing - A
46: Syringe gun - Uzi that shoots knifes - A
47: 4 Attachments - A weapon with 4 Attachments - A
48: Unlimited ammo - A
49: Akimbo Slice - Akimbo Shotgun - A
50: Damn Recoil - A small gun with lots of recoil - D

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