



說起來戰工 陪了我好久由我第一次用他 直到我上尉都是用戰工 因為第一次玩就被他迷上 雖說戰工交給老手玩的說 (好了不多說了 先介紹戰地工程師)
Combat Engineer


MOS 1371 - A Combat Engineer is a military specialist in using the tools and techniques of engineering under combat conditions, who may perform any of a variety of tasks. A combat engineer is trained as an infantry rifleman and has general combat-engineering training as well as special expertise.
Can Learn: Critical Strike, Nanosteel Net, MK-2 Nano Processor, Engineering Skills

MOS 1371 - 戰地工程師是在作戰環境下使用工程技能和工具的軍方特種作戰單位,可以執行各種任務。戰地工程師是經過步槍兵和常規作戰工程技能訓練的專家。
可以學習: ,致命攻擊,納米鋼網,MK-2 微型能量發生器,工程技能

Prerequisite Rank : Private
Difficulty : Moderate
Quantity Available : 1

難度:中 /難

Critical Strike
Gives a chance to do more damage on an attack.
Level 1 - 10% chance to deal 200% damage
Level 2 - 10% chance to deal 375% damage
Level 3 - 10% chance to deal 450% damage
Level 4 - 10% chance to deal 525% damage
Level 5 - 10% chance to deal 600% damage
Level 6 - 10% chance to deal 650% damage
Level 7 - 10% chance to deal 700% damage

等級 1 - 10% 的機率造成 200% 傷害
等級 2 - 10% 的機率造成 375% 傷害
等級 3 - 10% 的機率造成 450% 傷害
等級 4 - 10% 的機率造成 525% 傷害
等級 5 - 10% 的機率造成 600% 傷害
等級 6 - 10% 的機率造成 650% 傷害
等級 7 - 10% 的機率造成 700% 傷害

Nanosteel Net
Causes a target unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Casting range increases by 100 with each level.
Level 1 - Holds a target for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Holds a target for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - Holds a target for 4 seconds.
Level 4 - Holds a target for 5 seconds.
Level 5 - Holds a target for 6 seconds.

使目標敵人被固定在地面無法移動。每提高一等級增加 100 施放範圍。
等級 1 - 固定一個目標 2 秒。
等級 2 - 固定一個目標 3 秒。
等級 3 - 固定一個目標 4 秒。
等級 4 - 固定一個目標 5 秒。
等級 5 - 固定一個目標 6 秒。

MK-2 Nano Processor
Regenerates the energy of friendly Heros that right click on you. Ratio based on every 1 energy transfered. In addition, each level increases your energy regeneration rate by 15%.
Level 1 - Replenishes 1 energy for a target friendly unit, at the cost of 1 energy.
Level 2 - Replenishes 1.5 energy for a target friendly unit, at the cost of 1 energy.
Level 3 - Replenishes 2 energy for a target friendly unit, at the cost of 1 energy.
Level 4 - Replenishes 2.5 energy for a target friendly unit, at the cost of 1 energy.
Level 5 - Replenishes 3 energy for a target friendly unit, at the cost of 1 energy.

MK-2 微型能量發生器
當友軍單位右鍵點擊戰地工程師后,可以恢復該單位的能量。每一點能量按比例傳輸。另外,每提高一等級增加 15% 能量恢復速度。
等級 1 - 消耗 1 點能量補充友軍目標 1 點能量。
等級 2 - 消耗 1 點能量補充友軍目標 1.5 點能量。
等級 3 - 消耗 1 點能量補充友軍目標 2 點能量。
等級 4 - 消耗 1 點能量補充友軍目標 2.5 點能量。
等級 5 - 消耗 1 點能量補充友軍目標 3 點能量。

Engineering Skills
Combat Engineers perform various duties incidental to the use of demolitions in construction projects and destruction of objects. Personnel assigned to this MOS are taught carpentry and other construction skills as well as demolitions, specialized demolitions for urban breaching and land mine warfare.
Level 1 - Repair
Level 2 - Detonation Cord
Level 3 - Discharge
Level 4 - Rapid Fire
Level 5 - Communications Array and Thermal Detonator

等級 1 - 修理
等級 2 - 爆破索
等級 3 - 放電
等級 4 - 急速射擊
等級 5 - 通訊天線與熱能炸藥

Rapid Fire
The Engineer fires a burst of rapid shots. Increases the attack speed of the Engineer by 350% for 6 seconds.

工程師進行高速射擊。在 6 秒時間內提高 350% 攻擊速度。

The Engineer discharges an unstable EMP burst, immobilizing Zulus for 6 seconds.

工程師釋放一種不穩定的電磁波,在 6 秒內固定怪物。

Detonation Cord
Clears a tree with a detonation cord. Useful when setting up defensive positions.


Disarms stationary explosive ordnance and allows the user to reuse disarmed ordnance.


Repairs target mechanical unit. 1.5 hit points repaired per second.

修理一個機械單位。每秒修復 1.5 生命值。

Communications Array
Provides a high bandwidth communications link to all squad members, enabling shared video feeds. The Engineer's intelligence level is reduced by 5 while it is online. 10 second construction duration. Can only be built within the inner half of your sector.

為所有隊員提供網路連接,可以共享視野。建成後工程師智力將會降低 5 點。10 秒建造時間,只能在戰區的內半部建造。


True Sight


Satchel Charge
Primarily used for demolitions, the material used is called baradium, which is a highly unstable compound prone to explosions.They cause enormous damage by initiating a fusion reaction upon detonation, with a blast radius of 20 meters or more.

主要用於爆破,由baradium材料製成,這種材料由高度不穩定物資合成極易爆炸。引爆后產生聚變反應能產生巨大的破壞力,波及範圍可達到 20 米或更高。


戰工一開頭一定要自行單升2/3lv 當升到2/3lv的時候就回村升lv 戰工要好有技術 因為他一槍是180度攻擊 但好容易miss 當射完一下就要去後一下 免被怪受攻  當打完大肥的時候就保護村民跟車 當出了小藍的時候你不要當前鋒 因為不只要小藍 還有飛行部隊/其他怪物 當他到達了的時候 即時補網 交給車隊的兵射吧 最好加上自己急速射擊 當殺完了之後 就跟好其他隊友去集合點 最好路途中看到m320就拾起吧 因為戰工不可以用rsm-8/12a 有武器
可方便自己 還有補命的蛋白 如進入打拉王 被拉時 即後退 補網  即用急速射擊 有m320就補上 拉王應該就可以歸西了  殺完之後就立即歸隊  之後有王就網吧 配合有前線/爆破快速秒王吧'之後很難教吧 !補充一點網可以扣5防 仲有除左魔免部隊(屍王/世界)不能網之外其他都可以網

首先將他引到你想放背炸既地方又可以自逃身 將背炸set 成-prime 1秒或2秒
當放好的時候即補網z+t沖走 多數肥王/小強都會被秒殺
仲可以玩0秒背炸 這個0秒流你自己開單機練吧 小弟技術未到家ga我仲未看沈浪用戰工rp 沈浪吧看到這貼這發上你1.21b的戰工rp


[ 本帖最後由 YsL_Wa 於 2008-4-20 16:33 編輯 ]


很好 我去研究

