
[小說] 【黑色幽默小說】戲子與A片 — 民主大法好,九評塔利班









【註1】Aldo Leopold, “Thinking Like a Mountain,” Science and Society, ed. Richard W. Grinnell, (New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007), 133.  
【註3】參見 “邱毅:反服貿學運的實質是反中、反統一 公知煽風點火作用大,”觀察者,更新於2014年3月26日,http://www.guancha.cn/local/2014_03_26_217005.shtml 
【註4】See Malcolm Moore, “Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim,” The Telegraph, updated on June 4, 2011,  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8555142/Wikileaks-no-bloodshed-inside-Tiananmen-Square-cables-claim.html 
【註5】參見 “邱毅:反服貿學運的實質是反中、反統一 公知煽風點火作用大,”觀察者,更新於2014年3月26日,http://www.guancha.cn/local/2014_03_26_217005.shtml  
【註6】Robert W. McChesney, Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times, (New York: The New Press), 283. 
【註7】參見 東森新聞雲,“快訊/學運嚴重內訌 陳為廷:你們可以去攻佔總統府!”更新於2014年3月23日,http://www.ettoday.net/news/20140323/338061.htm 
【註8】Andrew Katz, “Occupy Wall Street: how protesters made eviction inevitable ,” The Guardian, updated on November 25, 2011, http://www.theguardian.com/world/blog/2011/nov/25/occupy-wall-street-eviction-inevitable 
【註9】See Years of Arrests & Imprisonment of Mahatma Gandhi, http://www.mkgandhi.org/arrestofmahatma.htm 
【註10】See Robert W. McChesney, Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times, (New York: The New Press), 283. 
【註11】See Library of Congress, “Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress,” http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/connections/abraham-lincoln-papers/thinking3.html 
【註12】Manny Fernandez, “White House Rejects Petitions to Secede, but Texans Fight On,” The New York Times, updated on January 15, 2013, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/16/us/politics/texas-secession-movement-unbowed-by-white-house-rejection.html 
【註13】東森新聞雲,“快訊/學運嚴重內訌 陳為廷:你們可以去攻佔總統府!”更新於2014年3月23日,http://www.ettoday.net/news/20140323/338061.htm 
【註14】郭匡超,“林飛帆爆主張台獨 網友熱議,”中時電子報,更新於2014年3月29日,http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20140329001854-260401
【註15】王文宣,“史明:有青年人打拚 臺灣前途有希望,”自由時報,更新於2014年3月27日,http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/2013/specials/stp/news.php?rno=4&no=976772&type=l   







    我認為有一點你是做得很對的。你不但質疑在媒體面前拋頭露臉的“高端的政客”,還開始懷疑隱藏在文章後面的“最高端的政客”,這是進行批判性思考(Critical Thinking)的一個良好開端。但是我也要指正一點,你把兩者的主客關係弄反了。你所說的“最高端的政客”其實不過是政治家的御用文人,也就是你所說的“高端的政客”的走狗而已。魯迅先生就曾經寫過一篇文章批判梁實秋是“喪家的資本家的乏走狗”(文章是否完全正確在此不論)。說走狗比主人還“高端”,那是不對的。








    第三,follow the money,也就是追著金錢(的痕跡)去做判斷。我們要看知識份子去做某件事情,他有沒有從中得益。如果有,我們就先得在心裏對他打一個折扣。例如這次的學運領袖,他們看似從這場運動中收到很多傳票,吃了很多虧,但實際上他們撈取了巨大的政治資本,他們是從中得益的。至少我敢說他們以後想要成為一個黨的核心成員(無論是藍黨還是綠黨),不會是一件難事。相反地,那些翹課去為學運領袖擦屁股的普通學生才是不求名利的“國之棟樑”好嗎?只可惜他們腦子太笨,被利用了。







    You can’t beat something with nothing.



    Ps: 學運領袖陳為延四月七日在臉書上已經承認他是台獨分子,這證明了在四月一日的文章中,我對這次學運性質的定位完全正確。歡迎叫我先知。但是陳為延否認是“為了台獨而搞某某運動”,不過他隨後又說,“事實上,這根本是個假命題。爭取國家的自主,與民主的深化,本質上就是一體兩面。許多時候,則根本是同一件事。”如果我的理解能力沒有墮落到學運信徒的水準,陳為延是想說這次的學生運動就是台獨運動,“根本是同一件事”,但是請注意——他在前面已經否認是“為了台獨而搞某某運動”。如此自相矛盾的邏輯,如果不是他無恥和把他的狂熱信徒都當作是弱智,就是他的智商本身就不太夠用。請自選一項,謝謝。




    美國的國父之一,傑斐遜(Thomas Jefferson)曾寫下一段廣為人知的話,“人人生而平等”,它不但被記錄在美國的《獨立宣言》上面,還成為了美國社會最不可或缺的價值觀。雖然美國人堅信他們的民族誕生於民主和平等,但美國今天的社會現實往往和他們的信念相互矛盾。因而,美國人很聰明地轉變了他們的信念,從強調物質的平等到著重機會的平等(Dalzell, 2013, p.159)。然而不幸的是,機會平等並不存在於物質平等以外。Stiglitz(2012)就指出,“(財富)越是不平等的國家,其制度將越是減少機會的平等”(p.18)。這兩個理念永遠不能被分開,它們是緊密聯繫的。因此,當美國人那機會平等的信念,也就是所謂的“美國夢”再次破產的時候,並不會讓人感到絲毫詫異。接下來,美國人唯一可以做的事情就是強迫自己去相信那些掠奪社會財富的富人最終會回饋社會。美國人甚至害怕富人沒有足夠的錢去回饋社會,所以還特地為他們減稅,助他們早日實現目標。這絲毫不是黑色幽默。百分之六十三的美國人相信“美國會因為擁有一群富人而受益”(Dalzell, 2013, p.163)。然而,Dalzell強調這也不過是一個錯覺:慷慨解囊的富人僅是少數異類,大部分富人都是自私自利的。美國人將他們的信念修改了一遍又一遍,只是為了讓他們平等和民主的信念與那不平等的社會現狀可以相互共存,他們始終不願意放棄那“美國是平等和民主最堅強的堡壘”的信仰(2013, p.159-163)。是時候停止這樣的錯覺了,是時候承認經濟不平等非但不能和民主相互協調,而且它“最終還會毀滅美國的民主”,就像Janet Yellen,美國聯邦儲備銀行三藩市分行的主席和執行總裁指出的一樣(cited in Dalzell, 2013, p.157)。

    這篇論文將會論證經濟不平等是美國民主的威脅,原因有三:第一,絕大部分主流媒體都被富人掌控,所以它們只會從富人的立場來看這個社會,同時卻忽視除富人以外的所有人群(Chomsky, 2013);第二,經濟不平等對人民的政治參與度有巨大的負面影響,富人除外;第三也是最重要的原因,經濟不平等本身,還有資本主義這個促進經濟不平等的意識形態,它們在本質上是和民主這個政治上的意識形態相互矛盾的。

    在極權國家裏,政府控制了媒體,因此對於該國家的民主政治是一個威脅,然而在自由主義的民主政體(liberal democracy)中,例如美國,媒體同樣是被少數人掌控的,只不過通過一種更隱蔽的方式。這樣的隱蔽性很大程度上解釋了為什麼很多美國人並不察覺(他們的)真實處境,遑論去意識到少數人對於媒體的把持是如何逐漸腐化他們的民主社會的。McChesney(2000)指出,“如果我們對於民主政治抱有認真的態度,我們必須要從結構上改革(我們的)媒體制度”(p. ix)。這道出了民主與現有媒體業的關係:它們是永遠不能共存的。儘管記者們在學校裏被教育要做到誠實和客觀,才能為大眾的利益服務,但是這樣的理念在現實中從來就不曾實現,因為記者永遠不能“從大企業和商業的壓力下獲取獨立權”(McChesney, 2000, p.49)。基本上,權貴們通過兩種方式來摧毀媒體的獨立性。第一,他們直接買下主要的媒體進而取得擁有權;第二,他們通過投放廣告來獲得對於媒體的影響力。在他們著名的學術作品中,Herman和Chomsky(1988)就指出主流媒體的掌控權全在富人或是那些被富人收買了的利慾薰心的走狗手中,因此媒體“與大公司,大銀行,和政府都有著千絲萬縷的共同利益”(p.14)。當新聞在媒體上播出以前,它們已經被(媒體)自我審查,以確保不會對它們的主人和朋黨產生任何危害。

    隨著時間流逝,媒體壟斷的問題不但沒有得到解決,反而愈演愈烈。就像McChesney(2000)所羅列的,七家出版公司掌控了整個美國市場;五家音樂公司控制著百分之八十七的產業;六家媒體公司壟斷了百分之八十的有線電視;還有六家公司控制了百分之七十五的有線電視節目(p.18)。Ted Turner,時代華納公司的前副總裁承認道,“美國所有的有線公司”都被少數人所掌控(cited in McChesney, 2000, p.18)。除了媒體的擁有權集中(在少數人手上),富人和那些龐然大物般的公司還會通過把大量金錢投入廣告的方式來控制媒體。從宏觀上來看美國的廣告產業,僅在一九九八年,總值二千億美元被投放到了整個廣告市場,而其中的一千兩百億是被媒體吸納的。從微觀上來看,把目光縮小到一個單一的例子:迪士尼公司投資了一億四千萬美元去拍《獅子王》這部電影,卻另外用了六千萬去做廣告。“這部電影反而像是一件次要的附加品,”一個產業分析員闡述道(cited in McChesney, 2000, p.39)。無論從宏觀或是微觀看來,被投入廣告的資金都是巨大得難以想像的。這反倒可以讓人理解大型廣告商對於媒體的影響力是多麼顯著的。



    既然媒體被少數富人和大公司所掌控,當主流媒體為了服務精英的利益而去違反新聞道德的時候,就不會讓人感到過份訝異了。McChesney(2000)就舉出一些例子來展示因為“現有新聞業的局限性,使得它不能成為一個伸張民主的機構”(p.58)。一九九六年,Gary Webb,San Jose Mercury News的一個記者揭露了“CIA和美國貧民區裏的毒品交易有著千絲萬縷的關聯”,這使得非裔美國人紛紛(向CIA)要求一個答復,然而就在這時候,所有主流媒體包括“紐約時報,華盛頓報,和洛杉磯時報”異口同聲地攻伐起Mercury News來(McChesney, 2000, p.59)。個中原因很簡單:如果這個新聞是千真萬確的,這就意味著主流媒體把這件事情掩蓋了數十年,而所謂的出版自由的理念不過是一個虛幻的假像。其結果不能再顯而易見了,Mercury News撤回了該報導和辭退了Gary Webb。這個事件並非絕無僅有,其他類似的事件也常有發生。例如一九九八年,CNN撤回了一個報導,關於“在越南戰爭中,美國軍隊有可能對(他們的)逃兵使用sarin,一種神經性毒氣”,還有更著名的是美國主流媒體在伊拉克戰爭以前和期間的偏袒性報導(McChesney, 2000, p.59-60)。

    當媒體被腐化,從而只傳播某種它們想要大眾去相信的資訊時,美國的民主似乎很難持續下去。極權國家和某些自由主義的民主政體(liberal democracy),例如美國對它們媒體的惡行好像越來越沒有明顯的分界線了。看起來,它們不過是使用不同的手段去達到相同的目的。McChesney指明,“就像傑斐遜(Thomas Jefferson)和麥迪遜(James Madison)所說的,除非所有公民都可以像權貴一樣輕易地獲取同樣的資訊,否則自治(美國)政府是不能成功的”(cited in Jones, 2009, p.28)。為什麼呢?Dahl(2006)闡明了個中原因,“(人民)得到啟蒙後的理解能力”是“理想民主政治”的一個根本元素。可以總結道,在很多歷史上的知識份子看來,如果自由獲取資訊的管道被少數權貴堵住了,所謂的民主政治只會成為水月鏡花。經濟的不平等為富人打造了通往特權的基石,特權使得富人能夠把他們不想讓大眾察覺的某些資訊隱藏起來。這樣的行為腐蝕了民主政治的所有根基,包括“有效的參與權,議程的最終決定權,還有(大眾)獲取他們所需要的資訊來做出明智選擇的基本權利”(Dahl, 2006, p.9)。經濟不平等不但腐化媒體,還侵蝕著人民的政治參與度。

    Solt做了一個研究來解釋經濟不平等和公民政治參與度的關係;在他的論文裏,Solt首先分析了哪個關於這個問題的歷史說法最站得住腳。政治學家揭示經濟不平等和公民政治參與度的關係的歷史可以被追溯到一九七八年,從Brody開始。最初設計這樣的研究是為了找出發達國家參與投票人數減少的原因(Solt, 2008, p.54)。幾十年來,多種理論相繼被建立,用來解析這樣的現象,包括“相對權力學說”(the relative power theory),“鬥爭學說”(the conflict theory),和“資源學說”(the resource theory)。根據相對權力學說,收入不平等對窮人的政治參與度是有負面影響的,因為相對有錢和有權的人會在各種各樣的議題上持續地勝出,他們甚至可以用特權去阻撓那些(對他們不利的)議題在公眾面前曝光。因此,窮人會逐漸意識到他們是被排除在政治遊戲外面的,繼而喪失他們的政治熱情(Solt, 2008, p.49)。根據鬥爭學說,相反的結果被主張:隨著經濟不平等的增長,富人和窮人都會被迫去關注那些“(社會財富)重新分配的政策”,這最終會提高人民的政治參與度(Solt, 2008, p.49)。最後,根據資源學說,公民的政治參與度和他們的“個人收入”掛鉤:窮人傾向於較小程度的參與,而富人則完全相反(Solt, 2008, p.49-50)。Solt的研究發現和相對權力學說是一致的:“經濟的不平等打壓了政治參與度,特別對於低收入人群來說(2008, p.57)。

    根據Solt的研究,“收入的不平等對於中產階級和低收入人群的政治熱情,政治議論,和選舉參與度都是有強烈負面影響的,除了富人”(2008, p.54),這樣的結果當然會和很多人對於民主的觀念相互抵觸。Meltzer-Richard模型指出,民主制度應是有能力調整經濟不平等的:當不平等增長時,下層階級和中產階級都會支持“(社會財富)重新分配的政策”,因為“不平等的加大將會減少(人民)收入的中間值”(cited in Solt, 2008, p.57)。這個模型展現了大部分人對於民主的理解:一個民主國家應該是公平的,這裏的公平是指這個國家代表著大多數國民的共同利益。當事情出錯的時候——事情經常出錯——包括貧富差距拉大,進而損害大部分人利益這樣的錯誤,大多數國民應該更大程度地參與到政治決策當中,去調整這個錯誤,從理論上講,最終是能夠成功的。像McChesney所說的,“如果民主制度是成熟的,那麼它必然能夠產生一定的壓力去縮小經濟不平等(p.283)。畢竟民主制度應該代表大多數人的利益。這種常識性的猜想就像鬥爭學說主張的一樣。然而,這樣的假想極少在現實中發生。



    Solt(2008)指出經濟不平等是如何侵蝕民主制度的:它賦予了富人相對於窮人更多的權力(p.57)。這使得不僅大多數人沒有辦法在(財富)重新分配政策上打敗少數富人,而且那樣的政策甚至“不可能在政治決策的過程中被提起,即便相對較窮的公民想要這樣做”(2008, p.57)。Gilens在他關於“不平等與民主回應”的研究中得出了相同的結論:政治遊戲只是為富人設計的,中產階級——遑論窮人——基本上是被忽視的(p.794)。看起來經濟不平等實在是腐化了美國民主的方方面面。媒體和政治參與度的腐化,這樣的解釋聽起來是十分膚淺的。難道就沒有更深層的原因可以解釋為什麼經濟不平等好像永遠都在給民主政治製造麻煩嗎?也許是有的。

    也許資本主義這個經濟上的意識形態和民主這個政治上的意識形態在本質上是相互矛盾的。為了(對兩者的關係)進行更清楚的觀察,這個故事將被追溯到啟蒙時代。十七世紀末期,民主體制被認為是一個沒有階級的社會(a classless society),因為當時的人普遍相信“如果一個人要替另一個人工作,那個人(和另一個人)在政治上是永遠不可能平等的”(McChesney, 2000, p.284)。那時候民主不單是一個政治上的而且是經濟上的意識形態。然而,傳統民主的有關經濟的分支逐漸被遺棄了,然後和資本主義結合,形成今天的自由主義的民主政體(liberal democracy)。就像C. B. Macpherson所說的,自由主義的民主政體,也就是資本主義和民主政治的結合體,是“平等的政治(制度)與不平等的經濟(制度)的融合”(cited in McChesney, 2000, p.284)。然而問題是:既然自由主義的民主政體融合了兩種本質上互為矛盾的元素,它真的能夠運轉起來嗎?今天,答案已經十分明顯了:資本主義和民主政治是不能共存的,其中一個終將贏得勝利。而得勝者,毫無懸念地,是資本主義。資本主義通過兩種方式來腐化民主:第一,資本主義一定會帶來一個階級社會(a class society),在這個社會裏,少數富人肯定會擁有最強大的政治力量,這違反了民主政治那“多數人統治”的信念;第二,資本主義還會腐蝕“民主的精神”,因為它假定所有人類都是自私的,強迫著人民去相互競爭,去各人自掃門前雪,莫管他人雪上霜(McChesney, 2000, p.284)。

    邏輯是這樣的,資本主義總是傾向於自由市場,小政府,全球化等等,為了獲得更多“商業活動的自由”,這樣肯定會伴隨著一個階級社會(a class society)。資本主義和“民主政治的核心原則”在本質上是矛盾的,因為資本主義制度就像是被它推翻的封建制度一樣,“必然是一個階級社會”,在這個社會裏,少數富人擁有大部分的社會財富(McChesney, 2000, p.285)。他們所擁有的財富可以被用來換取政治權力(至少在資本主義制度下如此),那樣的權力不但可以幫助他們維護自己的財產,甚至能夠“摧毀大多數人追求一個更平等社會的努力”,進而把他們自己推到一個不可戰勝的位置(McChesney, 2000, p.285)。

    另一方面,資本主義也褻瀆了民主的核心價值。民主精神是要鼓勵人民關心他們自己社會的利益,因為從理論上講,在民主制度裏,個人利益與社會利益是高度重合的。然而,資本主義的主張全然相反:個人利益和社會利益是不相關的,因此它鼓勵個體去追求他們自己的福利,即便他們的行為會傷害整體的社會利益也在所不惜(McChesney, 2000, p.285)。最後,小結如下,資本主義和民主政治從根本上是相互矛盾的,因為資本主義不但腐蝕民主的結構,還有民主的精神。雖然McChesney不願意否定整個資本主義制度,但是他強調,“如果你們真的信仰民主政治,你們勢必要縮小社會不平等和經濟不平等(只有這樣才能確保真正民主的實現)”(2000, p.285)。然而,他不應該忽視他先前指明的事實:資本主義和經濟不平等是孿生兄弟,它們是分不開的。這就是為什麼資本主義是腐化美國民主的主要原因之一。



Chomsky, N. (2013, November 19). Interview by Komp Catherine. Media control and indoctrination in the United States , Retrieved from http://wwwuth-out.org/progressivepicks/item/19815-media-control-and-indoctrination-in-the-united-states?tmpl=component&print=1
Dahl, R. A. (2006). On political equality. New Haven: Yale University.
Dalzell, R. F. (2013). The good rich and what they cost us. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Gilens, M. (2005). Inequality and democratic responsiveness in the United States. Public Opinion Quarterly, 69, Retrieved from http://www.princeton.edu/~piirs/events/PU%20Comparative%20Conf%20May%202007%20Gilens.pdf
Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books.
Jones, A. S. (2009). Losing the news: The future of the news that feeds democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
McChesney, R. W. (2000). Rich media, poor democracy: Communication politics in dubious times. New York: The New Press.
Solt , F. (2008). Economic inequality and democratic political engagement. American Journal of Political
Science, 52(1), Retrieved from http://www.unc.edu/~fredsolt/papers/Solt2004MPSA.pdf
Stiglitz, J. E. (2012). The price of inequality. London: Penguin Books.


Economic Inequality: A Real Threat to America’s Democracy/English(1)

    The well-known phrase “all men are created equal” written by one of the founding fathers of the U.S., Thomas Jefferson, is not only on the Declaration of Independence of America, but has also become an intrinsic value of the American society. While the American people believe that their nation was born out of democracy and equity, the reality of the U.S. today usually contradicts that belief. Therefore, the American people have wisely shifted their faith from the emphasis of equality of condition to the focus on equality of opportunity (Dalzell, 2013, p.159). Unfortunately, there is no such thing as equality of opportunity apart from equality of condition. As Stiglitz (2012) points out, “countries with more inequality systematically have less equality of opportunity” (p.18). Those two concepts can never be separated; they are interconnected. As a result, it should not be a surprise that the American people’s faith in equality of opportunity or so-called the “American Dream” has also failed. Then the only thing left to the American people is to force themselves to believe that the rich who gain their fortune from the society will finally give it back. The American people even help the rich cut their taxes in order to make sure the rich become richer and return more to the society, which is not dark humor at all since 63 per cent of Americans believe “the United States benefits from having a class of rich people” (Dalzell, 2013, p.163). However, Dalzell emphasizes that this is also a delusion: the generous rich are atypical while the majority of them are just selfish. The reason Americans have modified their faith again and again to coexist the ideology of equity and democracy with the reality of inequality is because they would not want to give up believing that America is always “the great bastion of democracy and equality” (2013, p.159-163). It is time to stop such a delusion by starting to admit that not only is economic inequality inconsistent with democracy, but it “could [also], ultimately, undermine American democracy” as Janet Yellen, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, points out (cited in Dalzell, 2013, p.157).

    This paper will argue that economic inequality is a threat to America’s democracy for three main reasons: first, the mainstream media is largely controlled by the rich and therefore they only look at the society through the perspective of the rich and at the same time ignore the rest (Chomsky, 2013); second, economic inequality has great negative influence toward people’s political involvement except for the rich’s; and third also the most important reason, economic inequality itself and the economic ideology of capitalism that promotes economic inequality are in nature inconsistent with the political ideology of democracy.

    In a totalitarian state, government’s control over media is a threat to the country’s democracy, but in a liberal democracy such as the U.S., the media is also controlled by a few people but merely in a more concealed way. The concealment is most of the reason why many American people are still not aware of the real situation, not to mention that they would realise how the control over media by a few has gradually corrupted their democratic society. McChesney (2000) points out that “if we are serious about democracy, we will need to reform the media system structurally” (p. ix). This is exactly the relation between democracy and current media industry: they can never coexist. Even though journalists are taught in school to be honest and objective in order to serve the interest of the whole public, such an ideology has never been achieved in realty because there is no way journalists can gain “independence from corporate and commercial pressure” (McChesney, 2000, p.49). The rich and powerful destroy media independence basically in two ways. First, they have owned the major media directly and second, they influence the media through advertisement injections. In their famous work, Herman and Chomsky (1988) point out the fact that mainstream media companies are dominated by the very rich or by the people who are bought over by “owners and other market-profit-oriented forces”, and therefore the media is interconnected and “have important common interests with other major corporations, banks, and governments” (p.14). Before the news is running on media, they would already get self-censored to make sure not to do any harm to their owners and allies.

    The problem of monopoly over media has not been solved as time goes by, but on the contrary, it has worsened. As McChesney (2000) specifies, 呃帖既 publishing firms have dominated the whole U.S. market; five music companies are controlling 87 per cent of industry; six media corporations have monopolized 80 per cent of “cable television systems” nationwide; and 呃帖既 companies have dominated about 75 per cent of “cable channels and programming” (p.18). Ted Turner, previous vice chairman of one of the most powerful media empires Time Warner, points out the fact himself saying “all the cable companies in the nation” are controlled by handful persons (cited in McChesney, 2000, p.18). Except for the concentrated ownership over media, the rich and enormous corporations also take control over media by throwing big money into advertisements. To look at the U.S. advertising industry in a macro perspective, a total of $200 billion is thrown into the whole advertising market while $120 billion of the total goes to the media in 1998 alone. If to look at the industry in a smaller scale focusing on one individual case, The Walt Disney Company puts $140 million into manufacturing the movie The Lion King while using $60 million for the advertisement. “The movie is almost incidental,” says an “industry analyst” (cited in McChesney, 2000, p.39). From both of macro and micro levels, the advertising money being thrown in media is enormous and impressive. It is understandable how significant the influence of big corporate advertisers is toward the media.


Economic Inequality: A Real Threat to America’s Democracy/English(2)

    Since the media is owned by a few very rich and dominated by a few enormous corporations, it should not be a surprise when the mainstream media violates the ethics of journalism in order to serve the interests of elites. McChesney (2000) provides some examples to show the “[limitation] of contemporary journalism as a democratic agency” (p.58). In 1996 when Gary Webb, a journalist of the San Jose Mercury News, exposed “the CIA’s connection to drug dealing in U.S. inner cities,” and the African-Americans required an answer, all the mainstream media including “the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times” attacked the Mercury News with one voice (McChesney, 2000, p.59). The reason was simple: if this piece of news was true, it meant the major media had been covering this up for dozens of years, and the ideology of free press was just a delusion. The result could not be more obvious: the Mercury News retracted the tale and fired Gary Webb. Such an incident was not exceptional. Other similar incidents have taken place in the media industry such as the retraction of the CNN report in 1998 on “the possible use of sarin, a nerve gas, by the U.S. military on deserters in the Vietnam War” and more famously the biased reports by all major media before and during the Iraq War (McChesney, 2000, p.59-60).

    When the media is corrupted and only spreads certain information in which they want the commons to believe, the U.S. democracy seems difficult to continue to stand up. There is less and less distinct difference between what totalitarian states and some liberal democracies such as U.S. have been doing toward their media. It looks like they are just achieving the same goal by different means. McChesney indicates, “as Jefferson and Madison put it, unless all citizens have easy access to the same caliber of information as society’s wealthy and privileged, self-government cannot succeed” (Jones, 2009, p.28). Why is it the case? Dahl (2006) points out the reason that “gaining enlightened understanding” is one of the fundamental elements of an “ideal democracy” (p.9). It can be said that it is a common sense for many intellectuals throughout the history that a democracy is just a delusion when the free access of information is blocked by a few rich and powerful. Economic inequality is the basis for the rich to acquire the privilege to keep certain information undercover which they do not want the public to be aware of. It corrodes all the foundations of a democracy including “effective participation, final control of the agenda, and fundamental rights” of gaining the information they need in order to make wise decisions (Dahl, 2006, p.9). Not only does economic inequality corrupt the media, but also corrodes people’s political engagement.

    Solt has done research to explain the relation between economic inequality and citizens’ political engagement; and in his paper, Solt first tries to analyze which historical explanation over this issue is most justified. The history of political scientists uncovering the relation between economic inequality and political engagement all started from Brody in 1978. The original studies were set up to figure out the reason for citizens’ declined electoral involvement in the developed countries (Solt, 2008, p.54). Over decades, different theories, including the relative power theory, the conflict theory and the resource theory, have been established to explain such an issue. According to the relative power theory, income inequality negatively influences the poor’s involvement in politics because the relative wealthy and powerful people insistently win over various issues or even able to stop those problems coming out in public. As a result, the poor will gradually realise the political game is not for them (Solt, 2008, p.49). According to the conflict theory, the opposite result would be in favor. It would be argued that as economic inequality grows, both of the rich and the poor will have to be forced to pay attention on the increasing disputed issues over “distributive politics”, which will ultimately increase the political engagement of all the people (Solt, 2008, p.49). Lastly, according to the resource theory, to what extent citizens involve into political activities is a result of “individual’s income”: the poor tend to get less involved while the rich do the exact opposite (Solt, 2008, p.49-50). The findings of Solt’s research are only coincident with the power relative theory: “economic inequality depresses political engagement, and especially that of people with lower incomes” (2008, p.57).

    According to the research of Solt, “income inequality had strong negative effect on the political interest”, “political discussion”, and “electoral participation” of the lower-middle class but not of the upper class (2008, p.54). The result for sure contradicts many people’s belief in democracy. The Meltzer-Richard model tells that a democracy should be able to adjust economic inequality: the lower and middle classes would be pros for “redistributive policies” when inequality grows because “greater inequality reduces the median income” (cited in Solt, 2008, p.57). This model correctly points out what most people understand democracy: a democracy state is supposed to be fair in a way that it is representative for the interest of majority of the population. When something goes wrong, as it often does, including the growing gap between the rich and the poor which creates harm to the majority, the majority are supposed to get more engaged into politics making to adjust such a mistake and should be able to succeed in theory. As McChesney (2000) points out, “when the conditions of democracy are fruitful, there will be considerable pressure to reduce economic inequality” (p.283). After all, a democracy should represent the interests of the majority. This common-sense hypothesis is like what the conflict theory claims. However, such hypothesis rarely happens in reality.


Economic Inequality: A Real Threat to America’s Democracy/English(3)

    Solt (2008) indicates how inequality may erode the democratic system: economic inequality gives the rich more power relative to the poor (p.57). Not only is the majority not able to defeat a few very rich over redistributive policies, but such policies cannot even “be debated within the political process regardless of whether poorer citizens would care to raise them” (2008, p.57). Gilens (2005) also comes to the same conclusion in his study of “inequality and democratic responsiveness”: the political game is only for the wealthy while the middle-class citizens – not to mention the poor – are largely neglected (p.794). Economic inequality just seems to corrupt almost every aspect of the U.S. democracy. That explanation of the corruption on media and political engagement just looks superficial. Is there a deeper reason if not the ultimate why economic inequality is like a forever trouble-creator for democracy? Maybe there is.

    There may be a fundamental inconsistency between the economic ideology of capitalism and the political ideology of democracy. In order to take a clearer look, the story has to be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment. In the late 1700s, democracy was believed to be a classless society since it was “widely accepted that if a person had to work for another person, that person could never be a political equal” (McChesney, 2000, p.284). Democracy was not only a political but also economic ideology in the old days. However, the traditional economic side of democracy gradually got abandoned, and with the involvement of capitalism it has become today’s liberal democracy. As C. B. Macpherson points out, liberal democracy, a mixture of capitalism and democracy, is “the combination of egalitarian politics with inegalitarian economics” (cited in McChesney, 2000, p.284). The question is: can liberal democracy really work since it combines two naturally inconsistent fundamental elements? Today, the answer is more or less obvious: capitalism and democracy do not coexist and one must win over. And the winner, without any surprise, is capitalism. Capitalism corrupts democracy in a couple ways: first, capitalism must exist along with a class society within which the few wealthy people will definitely have the strongest if not the dominated political power, which violates the majority-rule ideology of democracy; second, capitalism also erodes the “democratic spirit” by assuming that all humans are selfish and pressuring people to compete and only look after themselves regardless what happens to others (McChesney, 2000, p.284).

    The logic here is that capitalism has always been in favour with free market, small government, globalization and so on in order to gain more freedom for “commercial activities”, by which a class society must follow. Capitalism in nature contradicts “the core tenets of democracy” for the reason that just like feudalism overthrown by capitalism, “capitalism [itself] is [also] invariably a class society” in which a rich few own the large amount of wealth of the community (McChesney, 2000, p.285). The wealth they own can be exchanged into political power (at least under a capitalist society) which helps them to protect their wealth and pushes them to a further advantageous position by destroying “the efforts of the many to strive for a more egalitarian society” (McChesney, 2000, p.285).

    On the other hand, capitalism also violates the core values of democracy. The “democratic spirit” is supposed to encourage people to care about the good of their community because the good of individuals and the good of community are largely overlapped in a democracy theologically speaking. However, capitalism would claim the opposite: individual’s good is unrelated with the good of community and as a result, individuals are encouraged to chase their own welfare regardless their actions may create harm for the community as a whole (McChesney, 2000, p.285). Finally, it can be summed up that capitalism and democracy are fundamentally inconsistent because capitalism not only corrodes the structure but also the spirit of democracy. Even though McChesney would not want to reject the capitalist system as a whole, he does emphasize that “for those who truly believe in democracy, it is imperative to reduce social and economic inequality” (2000, p.285). However, he should not ignore that fact he has already pointed out: capitalism must go along with economic inequality. That is why capitalism is also one of the main factors that corrupts America’s democracy.

    To conclude the paper, it should be emphasized again that this paper has argued that economic inequality will threaten America’s democracy due to three major reasons: 1, the mainstream media only present the view of the rich while ignoring the rest because the rich few have been controlling them through ownership or advertisements; 2, economic inequality negatively influenced people’s political engagement except for the rich’s; and 3, economic inequality itself and the economic ideology of capitalism that promotes economic inequality are in nature inconsistent with the political ideology of democracy.


Chomsky, N. (2013, November 19). Interview by Komp Catherine. Media control and indoctrination in the United States , Retrieved from http://wwwuth-out.org/progressivepicks/item/19815-media-control-and-indoctrination-in-the-united-states?tmpl=component&print=1
Dahl, R. A. (2006). On political equality. New Haven: Yale University.
Dalzell, R. F. (2013). The good rich and what they cost us. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Gilens, M. (2005). Inequality and democratic responsiveness in the United States. Public Opinion Quarterly, 69, Retrieved from http://www.princeton.edu/~piirs/events/PU%20Comparative%20Conf%20May%202007%20Gilens.pdf
Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books.
Jones, A. S. (2009). Losing the news: The future of the news that feeds democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
McChesney, R. W. (2000). Rich media, poor democracy: Communication politics in dubious times. New York: The New Press.
Solt , F. (2008). Economic inequality and democratic political engagement. American Journal of Political
Science, 52(1), Retrieved from http://www.unc.edu/~fredsolt/papers/Solt2004MPSA.pdf
Stiglitz, J. E. (2012). The price of inequality. London: Penguin Books.




难道这些不都是民主国家吗?民主的核心理念(core ideology)不应当是人民群众可以。。。使得社会财富的重新分配 更加均匀,最终达到一个人人都是中产阶级的社会吗?这不就是美国的舆论一直宣传的“中产阶级社会”(a middle-class society)吗?

均貧富在美國大眾眼裏是滋養不勞而獲的捷徑,是與美國人追求的自由競爭和創新精神背道而馳的。個人非常贊同此觀點,而且認為均貧富的政策只會導致社會群體的競爭力創造力下降。在美國沒人抱怨克林頓女兒比絕大多數人有更多機緣和社會資源。克林頓本人什麼都沒有,但是他能白手起家當總統,那是美國夢 - 自由競爭獲得你所追求的東西。沒聽誰要求所有人的起跑線必須一樣。





    你說“美國民主從來就沒有想過要建立中產階級社會”,這點我認為一半是對的,一半是錯的。一方面,就如你所說,“在美國無論富人還是窮人,沒人在要求財富均等”,“美國大概是世界上最鄙視均貧富的國家了”,這點我是認同的。談論社會主義在美國是違反“政治正確性”(political correctness)的,就像談論兩岸統一在臺灣違反“政治正確性”一樣。但是另一方面,美國人確實又堅信平等,認為中產階級社會是美國民主的優越性之一(其實民主這個意識形態就包含了平等的價值觀在裏面)。就像威廉斯學院(Williams College)的教授(Robert Dalzell)在他的著作《那些“好富豪”讓我們失去的東西》(The Good Rich and What They Cost Us)中指出,“當我們(美國人)在堅信民主和平等的時候,我們確也發現了現實社會往往和我們的信念難以達成一致。所以我們修改了我們的信念,聲稱我們在乎的其實是機會的平等(也就是美國夢)……”(While we hold fast to our faith in democracy – in equality – we do recognize that reality rarely if ever conforms to that faith. So we modify it by asserting that what we really care about is equality of opportunity……)。【注1】Robert Dalzell還指出,美國人【始終不願意放棄那“美國是平等和民主最堅強的堡壘”的信仰(注:這裏和下文的黑框裏顯示的都是我的另一篇文章,《經濟不平等:美國民主的重大威脅》裏的段落,這裏不再另作注釋)】。美國人一邊以他們的平等還有中產階級社會為傲,一邊卻反對財富均等,這看起來難道不矛盾嗎?確實是矛盾而且複雜的,我們不能簡單地把美國人概括為支持或者反對平等。為什麼會出現這樣的矛盾呢?這一切都要從源頭,也就是美國的制度開始分析。

    我在《經濟不平等:美國民主的重大威脅》裏提到的,伊利諾伊大學(University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)的教授McChesney在他的著作《富媒體,窮民主》(Rich Media, Poor Democracy)中指出,“在十八世紀末期的歐洲和北美洲,民主制度經常被認為等同於‘沒有階級的社會’”(Prior to the late eighteenth century, in Europe and North America, democracy often was considered synonymous with classless or one-societies)。【注2】“沒有階級的社會”,看起來是不是很像社會主義?確實如此。【那時候民主不單是一個政治上的而且是經濟上的意識形態】,那時候民主政治不單主張政治上的平等,而且還主張經濟上的平等。【然而,傳統民主的有關經濟的分支逐漸被遺棄了,然後和資本主義結合,形成今天的自由主義的民主政體(liberal democracy)。就像C. B. Macpherson所說的,自由主義的民主政體,也就是資本主義和民主政治的結合體,是“平等的政治(制度)與不平等的經濟(制度)的融合”(cited in McChesney, 2000, p.284)。】美國的制度就是一個自由主義的民主政體,這個把“平等的政治(制度)與不平等的經濟(制度)融合”的怪胎,【融合了兩種本質上互為矛盾的元素。】究竟是要平等還是不要平等呢?這恐怕就連美國人自己都被迷惑了。



    第二,你說,“均貧富的政策只會導致社會群體的競爭力創造力下降”。這點我並不能認同。競爭力和創造力最強盛的恐怕要數西方的發達國家了,可是它們的貧富差距恰恰是所有國家中較低的(在資本力量比較集中的美國,貧富差距會相對大一點,這點可以查找各國GINI係數的資料)。我認為競爭力和創造力主要是看一個國家的生產力水準,而過大的貧富差距不但不會促進競爭力創造力,反而會成為阻礙。斯蒂格萊斯在他的著作《不平等的代價》(The Price of Inequality)中就提到,“失業(的問題)可以歸咎於社會總需求(也就是人民消費水準)的減少,而某種程度上,社會總需求的減少,還有美國經濟的衰退,都可以歸咎於貧富差距的懸殊”(Unemployment can be blamed on a deficiency in aggregate demand; in some sense, the entire shortfall demand – and hence in the U.S. economy – today can be blamed on the extremes of inequality)。【注3】他還說,“在一個貧富懸殊的民主政體裏,其政治(體制)也將會失衡”(In a democracy where there are high levels of inequality, politics can be unbalanced, too)。【注4】從中可以看出,不平等不但對經濟,還有政治都存在負面的影響。這兩段只是我隨便節選的斯蒂格萊斯對於經濟不平等的批判。從他著作的題目,《不平等的代價》(The Price of Inequality)可以看出,他的整本書裏都是類似的批判。斯蒂格萊斯作為一個功成名就的諾貝爾經濟獎得主,世界銀行前任首席經濟學家,他完全沒有必要去寫這樣一部不討人喜歡(至少不討統治階級喜歡)的大著作,但是他這樣做了,“雖千萬人吾往矣”,他肯定有一些不得不說的話,其中的參考價值必定是頗大的。你也可以找來看看。當然他還寫了一些別的批判美國經濟制度的書,例如《大崩盤》(Freefall),但我還是首推《不平等的代價》。


    第三,“美國夢”是假的,只不過是美國統治階級的洗腦宣傳罷了。這時肯定有人會跳出來質問道,“洗腦宣傳只不過是共產國家的下流手段,我們自由之燈塔,人類之希望,世界上最最最偉大光榮正確的國家美利堅怎麼可能使用和共產國家一樣卑鄙無恥的伎倆呢?”然後高歌一首《我的美國心》和《今夜我們都是美國人》。很可惜,斯蒂格萊斯殘酷地戳破了這樣天真的幻想,“百分之一的(美國)權貴成功地塑造了大眾的認知(使大眾相信他們和權貴們有著共同的利益),這證明了思想的可塑性。當別的國家這樣做的時候,我們稱呼它為‘洗腦’與‘宣傳’”(The fact that the 1 percent has so successfully shaped public perception [and made the public believe they have shared interests with the 1 percent] testifies to the malleability of beliefs. When others engage in it, we call it “brainwashing” and “propaganda”)。【注5】當美國這樣做的時候呢?斯蒂格萊斯沒有說,又或許他已經說了。



    其實在前面的文章《民主之後呢》裏,我已經引述過斯蒂格萊斯的論點,“(財富)越是不平等的國家,其制度將越是減少機會的平等”(countries with more inequality systematically have less equality of opportunity)。【注6】【這兩個理念(機會平等和物質平等)永遠不能被分開,它們是緊密聯繫的。】我剛才已經指出,“在資本力量比較集中的美國,貧富差距會(比別的西方發達國家)相對大一點。”既然如此,從理論上講,美國的社會流動性也應該比歐洲國家的要低。真是這樣嗎?斯蒂格萊斯在《大崩盤》(Freefall)裏肯定了這個猜想,“在美國,雖然有少數人可以成為戲劇般的例外,但是統計數據顯示貧窮的美國人(在社會中)向上流動的機會比‘老歐洲’(也就是英法德等國)還要低”(But a closer look at the U.S. economy suggests that there are some deeper problems: a society where even those in the middle have seen incomes stagnate for a decade, a society marked by increasing inequality; a country where, tough there are dramatic exceptions, the statistical chances of a poor American making it to the top are lower than in “Old Europe”)。【注7】美國夢破滅了。





【注1】Robert E. Dalzell, The Good Rich And What They Cost Us, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013), 159.
【注2】Robert W. McChesney, Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times, (New York: The New Press, 2000), 284.
【注3】Joseph E. Stiglitz, The Price of Inequality, (London: Penguin Books Ltd., 2012), 85.
【注4】Ibid, 89.
【注5】Ibid, 146.
【注6】Ibid, 18.
【注7】Joseph E. Stiglitz, Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2010), xxii.








    例如,你說,“至於主義,則是這些解決方法被證明行之有效以後,由學者歸納成主義。”其實這並不對。主義只是在“理論上”講得通,而“實際上”能不能實現,又是另一回事。例如亞當斯密斯(Adam Smith)的自由市場(free market)理論斷言,“如果每個人都被自私欲所驅使,那麼這不但帶來個人的成功,還會帶來社會的幸福於國家的富強”(pursuit of self-interest leads not only to individual success but contributes to the well-being of society and the wealth of the nation)【注1】。這樣的理論看起來很美好,但是自由市場這個理論的實際運作卻給全世界帶來一場又一場災難。“今天,即使是(自由市場理論)最虔誠的傳教士,Alan Greenspan,美國聯邦儲備銀行的前主席也不得不承認(這個理論的)邏輯是有瑕疵的,然後他的懺悔來得太遲了,因為許多人已經被(自由市場理論)帶來的惡果所波及(Today, even the high priest of that ideology, Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board during the period in which these views prevailed, has admitted that there was a flaw in this reasoning – but his confession came too late for the many who have suffered as a consequence)。【注2】所以,解決“實際上”的問題和談“理論上”的主義還是有明顯區別的。





【注1】See http://www.uncg.edu/bae/bbt/capitalism/adam_smith.html
【注2】See http://www.telegraph./finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/7061058/Joseph-Stiglitz-Why-we-have-to-change-capitalism.html

