
2010-8-10 22:05
[MOD]Team Fortress 2 Mod V3.16

* 兵種選單

* 降低畫質令隻GAME順D


Speed: 1.56
Health: 50
Perks: Marathon, Steady Aim, Sleight of hand, Scavanger
Weapons: Ranger FMJ, USP Pistol
Pro: Walk faster and spray them with ur ranger
Cons: Low Health


Speed: 1.2
HP: 175
Perks: Steady Aim, Sleight of hand, Lightweight, and FMJ
Weapons: Models 1887 and AA12 with extended mags and grip
Pro: Balanced Class, no much of a cons but not a really good pro


Speed: 1.0
HP: 200
Perks: Sleight of hand, Scavanger and Sit Rep
Weapons: RPG and m1014
Pro: Strong and powerful
Cons: No accuracy, causes this class to be an attack class


Speed: 1.0
HP: 175
Perks: Sleigh of hand, Scavanger, Sit Rep
Weapons: Thumper and Riot Shield
Pro: Good at me**粗俗文字**m range defending
Cons: Horrible at attacking and at close range


Speed: 0.85
Health: 300
Perks: Sleight of hand, FMJ, Steady Aim, Scavanger
Weapons: M240 with extra mags and M1014
Pro: Powerful and strong, perfect class to defend
Cons: Really slow, horrible class for attacking


Speed: 1.2
HP: 125
Perks: Steady Aim
Weapons: SPAS w/ Grip and USP .45
Killstreak: Sentry Gun
Pro: defend an objective with your sentry gun!
Cons: low health and not a good weapon, causes this class to be a defending class


Speed: 1.2
HP: 125
Perks: Steady Aim, Scavanger, Sleight of hand, FMJ and Steady Aim PRO
Special: No more hitmarkers, it will always be 1 shot 1 kill
Weapons: Intervention w/ Extra mags and PP2000 with silencer and extra mags
Pro: Camp with your intervention and kill everyone with 1 shot 1 kill
Cons: Low health and a really bad secondary weapon, causes this class to be a camping class


Speed: 1.2
HP: 150
Perks: Marathon
Weapons: PP2000 with extra mags and a Riot Shield
Killstreak: Care package for your team


Speed: 1.2
HP: 125
Speed while cloaked: 1.35
Perks: Commando, Cold blooded Pro, Marathon, Lightweight, Ninja and Sitrep Pro
Weapons: .44 magnum with Tactical Knife
Special: Press N for cloak, Recharge 10 seconds and a 15 second limit invisibility






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威望 +5 ThomasL 2010-8-11 14:16 精品文章