




Hey guys,

My apologies on the lack of response this week, no, I was not kidnapped, do not worry. I was tasked at the end of last week to create an impactful trailer for The Rise of the Witch-king, which you will see next week online. It took up a huge amount of my time unexpectedly, been working late nights here at the office.

I have an important critical update regarding patch 1.06.

Patch 1.06 is looking to deploy early next week and will fix the lobby lag you have been experiencing. We apologize for this. The error is related to the online development building of The Rise of the Witch-king, there was a code error that could not have been detected until patch 1.05 went live and was under heavy traffic. To put it simply, this error could not be found without the patch being live. We have fixed it this week and should be deploying this patch next week.

Your opinions on patch 1.05 are being heard and its still far too early to way final judgement. There is a big learning curve with this patch that even the best in the community will need to take time to learn, so keep playing before you flame, there is a lot to explore and new strategies to try out. The game was certainly not sped down, if you're playing correctly.

Rise of the Witch-king is looking HOT, you'll be seeing a lot of information on the game in the upcoming weeks starting next week, no worries.




