




"Hey everyone,

I am currently in Leipzig showcasing Rise of the Witch-king and Command & Conquer 3 with our development team so of course its been very hard for me to get on the forums with updates this week... however...i come with good news.

Below are the balance changes for The Elves, take a look, look forward to your feedback, excitement, flames, love it all.

Make sure to check out the hands on preview of ROTWK over at Gamespot, we are #4 most popular game overall and there is some great new info.

Word on patch 1.05 is we are finalizing localization so everyone around the world can read the patch of course.

We should be finaling in QA and the final testing phases very soon, more on that as soon as I am back early next week.

Enjoy the changes...i hope...


E lves
----------------- -------------
• Lorien Warrior cost 400 (from 300), health 160 (from 125); Heavy Armor base resistance 30% higher, more resistant to fire and magic (20% from 50%) and hero-ranged (75% from 100%), more vulnerable to structural (40% from 20%) and cavalry-ranged (80% from 40%); forged blades damage reduced (120 from 160); -50% damage penalty vs structures

• Mithlond Sentry buildtime 42s (from 30s); Heavy Armor base resistance 30% higher; more resistant to slash (200/80% from 200/100%), cavalry- ranged (30/20% from 100/50%) and hero (120/90% from 200/100%); more vulnerable to flame and magic damages (100/75% from 100/50%); -50% damage penalty vs structures

• Lorien archers build time decreased (25 from 30s), pierce damage 40/40 (from 40/60), clip reload time 766ms (from 2s max), more crush vulnerable
(250/150% from 200/100%); silverthorn arrows magic damage has a -75% damage penalty against summoned units

• Mirkwood Archer available on level 2 archery range (from 3), cost 700 (from 800), health 200 (from 150), population 80 (from 60); more resistant to pierce (70% from 100%), fire and magic (60% from 100%); silverthorn arrows have a -75% damage penalty vs summoned units

• Rivendell Lancer trample damage reduced (50 from 100); heavy armor base resistance 30% higher, more vulnerable to structural (30% from 20%), cavalry- ranged (150/71% from 100/50%), fire and magic (75% from 50%) damages, more resistant to pierce (15% from 25%); forged blades damage reduced (90 from 120); earns 10% extra speed on level 2

• Giant Eagle cost 1000 (from 2000), speed 120 (from 88), added arrow dodge chance (20%), more resistant to pierce (20% from 100%), ranged-hero (60% from 100%), flame and magic (30% from 50%) damages, more vulnerable to slash (30% from 0%) damage; health doubled (4000 from 2000), 10x damage bonus vs machines, -70% damage penalty vs heroes

• Ents buildtime 25s (from 45s), speed 40 (from 50), range 425 (from 500), base damage 300 (from 400), health 1400 (from 2000), splash damage increased by 10%; base armor more resistant (10% from 50%), more resistant to slash (10% from 50%) and cavalry (20% from 50%), more vulnerable to fire (200% from 100%)

• Ent Allies and Eagle allies powers positions switched; Ent allies power now summons 3 ents (from 4), fade in time 8s (from 2s); Enshrouding Mist recharge 4m30 (from 6m); Farsight now increases the vision (15%) and attack range (10%) of archers, heroes, cavalry and artillery units, for 45 seconds, duration 1m (from 2m), recharge 2m (from 3m)

• Statue price increased to 350 (from 300); Elven battle tower cost 400 (from 350) and has one garrison slot (from 2)

• Barracks cost 400 (from 300), buildtime 25s (from 30s), level 2 upgrade cost 1000 (from 500), level 3 is 300 (from 1000)

• Elven Heavy Armor equip cost 400 (from 300)

• Mirror of Galadriel detects stealthed units across a 450- units range (from 200)

• Elven banners healing speed halved, takes 7.5s to start healing, works while the battalion is fighting

• Watch Tower Fortress Expansion cost 370 (from 500), buildtime 20s (from 30s); Vigilant Ent Expansion cost 900 (from 1200); Eagle’s Nest upgrade cost 2000 (from 2500)

• Fortress Wall hub expansion cost (70 from 200) reduced, Outer Wall hub cost is 900, 60 seconds buildtime; regular Wall hub buildtime 60s (from 30s), cost 150 (from 200), wall segment buildtime 30s (from 20s); Max wall buildout distance reduced (400 from 1500); wall gates now cheaper (350 from 500)

• Elven fortress Mystic Fountains cost reduced (750 from 1500), Eagle nest 2000 (from 2500)

• Ent Moot cost 700 (from 1000), buildtime 40s (from 60s)

• Elven Sentry Tower cost 350 (from 500)

• Treebeard health 3200 (from 5000), speed slightly increased (52 from 50), now has an aura that increases the armor (+50%), speed (+15%) and range (+20%) of nearby Ents

• Arwen starts mounted, attack reload now faster; flood moved to level 4 (from 10), 80 damage per summoned horse (from 142), specialist damage type, -50% damage vs. non-cavalry units, recharge time 6m (from 5m); Athelas moved to level 8 (from 2), heals 2000 hitpoints (from 600) to all heroes on a 300 radius (from 200) around her

• Haldir cost 1100 (from 2000), bow range 350 (from 400), bow attack speed reduced; sword damage 45 (from 120), now has the innate ‘elven strike’ ability, a random chance of dealing 4x damage to its target; buildtime 70s (from 30s), health decreased (2200 from 2500), armor type now hero (from hero-light); Leadership on level 4 (from 6), golden arrow at level 9 (from 10); recharge increased (1m30s from 45s), base damage 300 (from 200), 2000 additional specialist damage (effective vs. mounted and tough heroes)

• Glorfindel cost 2000 (from 1500), damage decreased (100 from 150), now deals +100 siege damage to structures (+10 vs fortresses) while on foot, buildtime 50s (from 30s), health 3000 (from 1500); arrow dodge rate increased (65% from 50%), can now crush infantry units (200 hero damage), minimum speed 65 (from 50), mount toggle faster (1s from 2s); Blade of Purity now makes him invulnerable (from +50% armor), lasts for 10s (from 30s), must be on foot to enable, recharge increased (2m25s from 1m30s); starts mounted

• Legolas cost (2000 from 3000), range (380 from 400) and health (1500 from 3000) reduced, buildtime 95s (from 30s), innate heal reduced (20 per second from 30), hawk Strike recharge 1m30s (from 30s), knife fighter level 6 (from 2), arrow wind level 10 (from 7)

• Thranduil cost 3000 (from 2500), armor hero-mounted (from hero-light), buildtime 90s (from 30s), visibility range 700 (from 500); bow range 460 (from 400), damage 300 (from 100), reload 2.3s (from 1s), -85% damage penalty against artillery, -50% vs monsters

• Thranduil innate stealth is now elven cloak (level 1 from level 4); Deadeye level 4 (from 7), range 520 (from 500) and effect (double attack speed, -50% damage +magic damage) increased; Wild Walk moved to level 6 (from 1) and enables thranduil to fire cloaked, lasts for 1m20s, recharge 2m30s

• Elrond cost increased (3000 from 2500), buildtime 45s (from 30s), armor tough-hero (from hero), damage 200 (from 250), attack speed now faster; Elven sight moved to level 1, Athelas only heals himself, Restoration moved to level 6, Whirlwind moved to level 10; leadership is +25% attack (stacking), restoration recharge time 5m (from 1m30s)"


• Glorfindel cost 2000 (from 1500), damage decreased (100 from 150), now deals +100 siege damage to structures (+10 vs fortresses) while on foot, buildtime 50s (from 30s), health 3000 (from 1500); arrow dodge rate increased (65% from 50%), can now crush infantry units (200 hero damage), minimum speed 65 (from 50), mount toggle faster (1s from 2s); Blade of Purity now makes him invulnerable (from +50% armor), lasts for 10s (from 30s), must be on foot to enable, recharge increased (2m25s from 1m30s); starts mounted



[ 本帖最後由 HHJerDX 於 2006-8-28 10:59 編輯 ]


• Thranduil cost 3000 (from 2500), armor hero-mounted (from hero-light), buildtime 90s (from 30s), visibility range 700 (from 500); bow range 460 (from 400), damage 300 (from 100), reload 2.3s (from 1s), -85% damage penalty against artillery, -50% vs monsters

• Thranduil innate stealth is now elven cloak (level 1 from level 4); Deadeye level 4 (from 7), range 520 (from 500) and effect (double attack speed, -50% damage +magic damage) increased; Wild Walk moved to level 6 (from 1) and enables thranduil to fire cloaked, lasts for 1m20s, recharge 2m30s





• Elrond cost increased (3000 from 2500), buildtime 45s (from 30s), armor tough-hero (from hero), damage 200 (from 250), attack speed now faster; Elven sight moved to level 1, Athelas only heals himself, Restoration moved to level 6, Whirlwind moved to level 10; leadership is +25% attack (stacking), restoration recharge time 5m (from 1m30s)"



